2015 Fitness Trends

Contributed by Julia Karlstad, M.Ed., CSCS, SFN-ISSA

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) had identified the top fitness trends for 2015.  You can go to this link to see the top 20: http://journals.lww.com/acsm-healthfitness/Fulltext/2014/11000/WORLDWIDE_SURVEY_OF_FITNESS_TRENDS_FOR_2015_.5.aspx. This survey has been conducted for 9 consecutive years and of the 3,403 responses, over half were given by people who have spent 10 plus years in the fitness industry.

A trend is a general development or change in a situation or in the way people are behaving. As it relates to fitness, a trend is something predictable that we may tend to see for several years. The top 3 trends for this year’s survey include: 1) Body Weight Exercise 2) High Intensity Interval Training 3) Educated, Certified & Experienced Fitness Professionals. What’s cool about these trends is that JKFITNESS can incorporate all three in their fitness programs for clients.  Most importantly, their staff is the epitome of educated, certified and experienced fitness professionals.  Did you know that 3 of the JKFITNESS personal trainers (Julia Karlstad, Laurel Dierking, & Michaela Scroggins) have Masters level degrees in an exercise related field?  Did you know that one of our trainers went to licensed vocational nursing school (Michael Devon)?  Did you know that another one of our trainers has a teacher’s certification, was a competitive dancer, and has coached club volleyball for the past 7 years (Amanda Albiar)?  Did you know that ALL of our trainers are passionate about what they do?  Did you know that two of our trainers are certified yoga instructors (Laurel Dierking & Michaela Scroggins)?  Did you know that two of our trainers hold nutrition certifications (Julia Karlstad & Laurel Dierking)?  I cold tell you more, but I think you get the point. We’re educated, experienced and passionate about what we do!  And most importantly…WE CAN HELP YOU!.  Give us a call at 210-388-0989.