Strength Training Is My Cardio

Contributed by Bethany ReynoldsHealth & Fitness Professional To sum up what I mean, we all need to lift heavy things. If we don’t move it, we lose it. Your options are things like dumbbells, medicine balls, resistance tubes, or body weight. By being consistent with strength training you start to increase bone density and muscle …

Take A Breath

Take A Breath Contributed by Dani Barbosa This new lock down lifestyle has been a major adjustment for everybody. We are mentally exhausted from the constantly evolving situation that we have found ourselves in. The news cycle doesn’t end, it’s hard to step away from work when your office is your living room, and grocery …

How To Love Exercise

Contributed by Dani Barbosa Okay, I know what you’re thinking… Can someone really love exercise? The answer is (duh duh duh duuuuuuh) YES!! But, how? Let’s talk about it. Exercise doesn’t have to be a dreaded, grueling activity that leaves you sweaty, beaten, and borderline dying. Exercise is defined as an activity requiring physical effort, …

Free, Effective, and Fun (at-home) Workouts

Contributed by Bethany Reynolds We’re all in the same boat right now with our access to gyms and studios during this “shelter in place” time. This unique opportunity has given most of us extra time in the day. What should we do with that extra time? Try adding in more exercise. I’m a trainer and …

Many Emotions

Many Emotions Provided by Julia Karlstad, M.Ed., CSCS-NSCA, SFN-ISSA Today I have felt many emotions as it relates to our nation’s current situation related to COVID-19.  I know I am not alone as many of you have also felt many emotions. Today I have cried Today I have laughed Today I have felt fear Today …

Virtual Training

JKFITNESS Virtual Training Options Continue your individualized personal training @ home amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Contact your personal trainer directly via email if you’d like to start virtual personal training. POWER PACKS ON SALE THROUGH MARCH 27TH! All sessions are good for 6 months from the date of purchase. COVID-19 UPDATE Gyms & health …