Are You Talking to Yourself or Listening to Yourself?

Contributed by: Bethany Reynolds, AFAA-CPT, CI-GEL Are You Talking to Yourself or Listening to Yourself? One marker of your personal longevity, that you can’t measure with a blood test or a lab scan, is your self talk. The “negative” words you say to yourself can place you at a greater risk of early mortality. However, …

Weather Got You Feeling SAD?

Contributed by: Dustin Gonzalez, M.S., NASM-CPT Weather Got You Feeling SAD? Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a combination of biological and mood disturbances typically occurring in the autumn and winter months. SAD is characterized by recurrent episodes of depression, hypersomnia, carbohydrate cravings and weight gain. About 5 percent of the U.S. population experiences SAD, with …

Burning Calories. Everyday!

Contributed by: Amanda Albiar, B.A., NCSF-CPT Burning Calories. Everyday! Fall weather might mean packing on the pounds for some, but don’t let that be you. Just because you wear heavier clothes and put on more layers, doesn’t mean you need to skip a workout or eat a huge meal. Did you know that by simply …

Do My Core Muscles Build Better Balance?

Do My Core Muscles Build Better Balance? Contributed by: Bethany Reynolds AFAA-CPT, CI-GEL The core muscles are arguably the most important muscle group in your body.They occupy areas in your lower back, hips, glutes, and of course, the trunk.Everyday living requires constant use of the core muscles and they are vitalto common movements, such as …

Holistic Living

Holistic Living Contributed by: Dustin Gonzalez, M.S., NASM-CPT The concept of holistic living is not a new one, yet many people are still unclear about its meaning. Often misused as ‘holistic healing’, a holistic lifestyle goes beyond the approach of just healing the body, mind and spirit naturally. Holistic healing consists of all the modalities …