
What people think is difficult and what is actually more difficult can be the difference between continuously accomplishing your goals or sabotaging your every effort. It is important to recognize your strengths and weaknesses throughout your path of wellness. For some it may be easy to go to the gym and difficult to remain consistent …

What is Your Fitness Age?

Forget what our driver’s license says. The most accurate measure of our body’s age, not to mention the best predictor of living a long, healthy life, is your fitness age. Even better, by getting more fit, you can actually subtract years and make your body healthier and younger, according to a study in Medicine & …

Sugar is Just as Addictive as Cocaine

Do you smoke or use drugs? The answer is probably no or at least you’re not willing to admit it since everyone knows drugs are bad for you! Multiple studies show that cocaine, morphine, and several other drugs are extremely addictive and harmful to the human body. But did you know that refined sugar has …

Palestra – JKFITNESS’ Second San Antonio Location

JKFITNESS is proud to offer one on one personal training, small group training, individualized nutrition programs, and accountability to you at our “Palestra” location. Palestra is our second JKFITNESS location in San Antonio, conveniently located along the access road of North East loop 410; past the Northeast Baptist Hospital. Palestra is a sports rehabilitation and …

Central Texas JKFITNESS is Underway!

JKFITNESS services and trainers are like no other! We offer degreed, certified, and experienced professionals who impact your health through personalized functional training techniques, whole-food nutrition, metabolic testing, and educational workshops. We now offer these services in Round Rock and Georgetown, Texas! The right setting can make all the difference in achieving your health and …

Using the Past without Getting Stuck

Written by Julia Karlstad, M.Ed., CSCS President and Founder, JKFITESS, LLC If you are overweight or obese, it is important to sit back and reflect. How did I get to this point? Am I really this big? Why didn’t I realize I was becoming this overweight? Have you asked yourself these questions lately? …