How To Love Exercise

Contributed by Dani Barbosa Okay, I know what you’re thinking… Can someone really love exercise? The answer is (duh duh duh duuuuuuh) YES!! But, how? Let’s talk about it. Exercise doesn’t have to be a dreaded, grueling activity that leaves you sweaty, beaten, and borderline dying. Exercise is defined as an activity requiring physical effort, …

Free, Effective, and Fun (at-home) Workouts

Contributed by Bethany Reynolds We’re all in the same boat right now with our access to gyms and studios during this “shelter in place” time. This unique opportunity has given most of us extra time in the day. What should we do with that extra time? Try adding in more exercise. I’m a trainer and …

Many Emotions

Many Emotions Provided by Julia Karlstad, M.Ed., CSCS-NSCA, SFN-ISSA Today I have felt many emotions as it relates to our nation’s current situation related to COVID-19.  I know I am not alone as many of you have also felt many emotions. Today I have cried Today I have laughed Today I have felt fear Today …

Head to the Barre

Head to the Barre Contributed by Bethany Reynolds Health & Fitness Professional As trainers at JKFITNESS we are always seeking new ways to help our clients reach their goals. I recently sought out a Barre certification. The barre technique is a workout routine that combines elements of ballet, Pilates, yoga, and light weight training into …

Get the Chill Without the Pill: The Vagus Nerve

Get the Chill Without the Pill: The Vagus Nerve Don’t you wish there was some magic ‘chill pill’ you could take when you’re feeling stressed and overworked? Something that would help you feel at peace, relaxed, and less stressed. You might be surprised to find out that you don’t need a magic pill, and there’s …

Using Mindfulness To Balance Your Life

Contributed By Jeanne Strauss LCSW Therapist & Life Coach Using Mindfulness To Balance Your Life Do you ever feel locked into old unhealthy patterns: habitual ways of relating to others, eating all the wrong foods even when you plan to eat healthy, or hitting the snooze button instead of getting up early to exercise?  Our …

Increasing Ankle Mobility For Squat Performance

Contributed by Justin McLawhorn, MS Health & Fitness Professional Increasing Ankle Mobility For Squat Performance The importance of ankle mobility has been greatly overlooked by many fitness professionals. Proper ankle alignment can lead to better overall body movement. For example, when performing a squat, you must have proper ankle dorsiflexion (the ability of the foot …

“No Pain, No Gain” – Not really.

Contributed by Dani Barbosa Health & Fitness Professional “No Pain, No Gain” – Not really. Many people have come to believe the fake news, that is a workout must be grueling and leave you sore for days to be effective. Well, I am here to drop some truth bombs on you… Following this “no pain, …

Benefits of Exercise (Beyond Weight Loss)

Contributed by Bethany Reynolds Health & Fitness Professional What are 5 Benefits of Exercise? Now that you are thinking about some of the good reasons to exercise. Do you automatically think about your bathroom scale? Lets think beyond exercise for weight loss, the benefits are not limited to losing weight. Yes exercise can help control …