Practicing Positivity

Contributed by: Danielle Barbosa, ACSM-CPT Practicing Positivity Too often, when negative events or mistakes occur in life we fall victim to negative self-talk. That voice in your head that tells you, “you are wasting your time” or “you are never going to reach your goal.” These negative thoughts can become overwhelming and counterproductive to reaching …

Get in the Mood….to Exercise!

Contributed by: Kimberly Black, 200YT Get in the Mood….to Exercise! We all know that great feeling you get after getting a good sweat. It may not surprise you to find out that there is science behind those mood boosting activities. It has been shown that exercise can do all of the following: • Alleviates depression/increases …

Cure Your At-Home Workout Boredom

Cure Your At Home Workout Boredom Contributed by: Ciara Floyd, M.S., NSCF-CPT, NSCA-CSCS There is no shortage of body weight exercises and workouts that can be done at home. These are very attractive because there is no equipment needed and can be done anywhere and anytime. But sometimes doing the same workout day in and …

Do My Core Muscles Build Better Balance?

Do My Core Muscles Build Better Balance? Contributed by: Bethany Reynolds AFAA-CPT, CI-GEL The core muscles are arguably the most important muscle group in your body.They occupy areas in your lower back, hips, glutes, and of course, the trunk.Everyday living requires constant use of the core muscles and they are vitalto common movements, such as …

When the Leaves Drop, It’s Time to Drop Weight- Use Fall to Get in Your Best Shape

When the Leaves Drop, It’s Time to Drop Weight- Use Fall to Get in Your Best Shape Contributed by: Amanda Albiar, B.A., NCSF-CPT September is the new “New Year” as far as weight loss potential. Think about it, your weight loss might have slowed, or even stopped, over the summer with the season’s social expectations— …

How to Exercise Outdoors in the Summer and Not Die

How to Exercise Outdoors in the Summer and Not Die Contributed by: Ciara Floyd, M.S., NSCF-CPT, NSCA-CSCS Exercising outdoors during the hottest days of summer can be difficult and dangerous, but it can also be fun if your smart about your training. The excessive temperatures and high humidity can lead to heat exhaustion and heat …