It’s Not About Having Time, It’s About Making Time

It’s Not About Having Time, It’s About Making Time Contributed by: Michael Devon, NASM-CPT We could all use a few extra hours in the day, imagine what else you could accomplish in your day if you had an extra hour to do it! However this isn’t the case, we have the same amount of time …

United in Wellness – UIW 5K Cardio Fun

United in Wellness – UIW 5K Cardio Fun Contributed by: Michael Devon, NASM-CPT The JKFITNESS Team recently participated in the United In Wellness 5K at The University of Incarnate Word on April 23rd. The race was held to benefit Haven for Hope and supplied the organization with new socks for the homeless. The JKFITNESS staff …

Yoga for Chronic Pain & Fatigue

Contributed by: Kimberly Black, 200YT Yoga For Chronic Pain & Fatigue Have you added yoga to your training regimen yet? Yoga aids in increased flexibility, stress relief, as well as several cardiovascular and strength benefits. Yoga has also been found to be beneficial for pain management, especially for those suffering with chronic pain or fatigue. …

Understanding Recovery

Understanding Recovery Contributed by: Dustin Gonzalez, NASM-CPT We eat, sleep, train, repeat—constantly striving to get bigger, stronger, faster or slimmer—but is there a point where too much becomes harmful? Many recognize the need for recovery after exercise, but do we understand what it takes to fully recover and whether we have actually achieved that state? We …

Cortisol: The Stress Hormone

Contributed by Laurel Dierking, M.Ed., NFPT, 200YT Most have heard of the infamous ‘cortisol’, and there may be some negative associations with the stress hormone. However, cortisol does have many beneficial responsibilities. Healthy and regulated levels of cortisol production are initiated during acute stress situations in which the body responds chemically and adapts to a …

What is the Big Deal About Exercise?

Contributed by: Michael Devon, NASM-CPT The benefits of exercise go way beyond weight management and changing your body composition, although these are both a plus! Moderate intensities of daily exercise can help to regulate blood sugar, decrease anxiety, improve circulation, improve strength, increase energy, decrease depression, improve heart health, improve bone health, decrease the risk …

Keep Exercise Fun

Contributed by: Michael Devon When you hear the word exercise, what comes to mind? Hopefully it’s a positive thought, but do you envision yourself having to run for hours on a treadmill or lifting weights everyday? That sounds mundane and unnecessary. Now, when you hear the words TRX training, calisthenics, kettlebell training, medicine balls, battle …

2015 Fitness Trends

Contributed by Julia Karlstad, M.Ed., CSCS, SFN-ISSA The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) had identified the top fitness trends for 2015.  You can go to this link to see the top 20: This survey has been conducted for 9 consecutive years and of the 3,403 responses, over half were given by people who …