Hormone Imbalance And Weight Loss

A hormonal imbalance can lead to increased weight gain, inflammation, chronic disease, and difficulty losing weight. Studies have shown that proper nutrition can improve hormone imbalances within the body; combined with a consistent exercise routine one can become even more stable. If you have been on a roller coaster ride of dieting and exercising with …

Substituting Processed Foods for Healthier Options

What are processed foods? These foods are often found in pre-packaged items like jars, bags or boxes. They often contain high amounts of added sugar and salts. Additionally, they tend to be low in fiber, contain grains, and include a large quantity of Trans Fat and saturated fat. They contain these products in an effort …


Salt is crucial for life — you can’t live without it. However, most people don’t realize that there are big differences between the standard, refined table salt we are used to using, and natural, health-promoting salt. Almost all commercial table and cooking salts have been “chemically cleaned” and reduced to what is sodium chloride — …

Sugar is Just as Addictive as Cocaine

Do you smoke or use drugs? The answer is probably no or at least you’re not willing to admit it since everyone knows drugs are bad for you! Multiple studies show that cocaine, morphine, and several other drugs are extremely addictive and harmful to the human body. But did you know that refined sugar has …