Tabata Training

Contributed by Dani Barbosa Health & Fitness Professional Tabata Training Traveling? Short on time? No equipment? NO PROBLEM. Tabata is the workout style you never knew you needed. Tabata is a variation of HIIT training designed in the late 1990s by a Japanese research team seeking to find a more efficient training method for Olympic …

Why Do Our Muscles Cramp Up at Night?

Why Do Our Muscles Cramp Up at Night? Muscle cramping is an over-activation or contraction of a muscle. Although it can happen anywhere it typically occurs in the calves because these are the muscles that use the most energy in the body. While it’s easy to know when you’re having a muscle cramp, it can …

Cure Your At-Home Workout Boredom

Cure Your At Home Workout Boredom Contributed by: Ciara Floyd, M.S., NSCF-CPT, NSCA-CSCS There is no shortage of body weight exercises and workouts that can be done at home. These are very attractive because there is no equipment needed and can be done anywhere and anytime. But sometimes doing the same workout day in and …

Scale Stuck? How To Get Over That Weight-Loss Plateau

Contributed by: Dustin Gonzalez, M.S., NASM-CPT Scale Stuck? How To Get Over That Weight-Loss Plateau You’ve been doing all the right things to get fit: eating clean and mindfully, counting calories and steps, busting your hump at the gym. And it worked for a while, as pounds steadily melted away. But now the number on …

Burning Calories. Everyday!

Contributed by: Amanda Albiar, B.A., NCSF-CPT Burning Calories. Everyday! Fall weather might mean packing on the pounds for some, but don’t let that be you. Just because you wear heavier clothes and put on more layers, doesn’t mean you need to skip a workout or eat a huge meal. Did you know that by simply …

Do My Core Muscles Build Better Balance?

Do My Core Muscles Build Better Balance? Contributed by: Bethany Reynolds AFAA-CPT, CI-GEL The core muscles are arguably the most important muscle group in your body.They occupy areas in your lower back, hips, glutes, and of course, the trunk.Everyday living requires constant use of the core muscles and they are vitalto common movements, such as …

How to “Back To School” the Healthy Way

How to “Back To School” the Healthy Way Contributed by: Michael Devon, B.A., NASM-CPT Back to school can be a trying time for any parent juggling their work schedule with their kid’s school schedule, after school care, and sports practice. Luckily, there is still a way to carry on a healthy lifestyle. First, you will …

When the Leaves Drop, It’s Time to Drop Weight- Use Fall to Get in Your Best Shape

When the Leaves Drop, It’s Time to Drop Weight- Use Fall to Get in Your Best Shape Contributed by: Amanda Albiar, B.A., NCSF-CPT September is the new “New Year” as far as weight loss potential. Think about it, your weight loss might have slowed, or even stopped, over the summer with the season’s social expectations— …