Many Emotions

Provided by Julia Karlstad, M.Ed., CSCS-NSCA, SFN-ISSA

Today I have felt many emotions as it relates to our nation’s current situation related to COVID-19.  I know I am not alone as many of you have also felt many emotions.

Today I have cried

Today I have laughed

Today I have felt fear

Today I have been frustrated

Today I have been angry

Today I have been happy

Today I have prayed

Today I keep my faith

Despite all these emotions, today I have exercised, I have prayed, I have meditated and I have eaten healthy!  It’s okay and completely normal to feel all of these feelings.  Don’t hide your feelings, rather express them and channel them; set up healthy outlets to let yourself feel.  Here are a few ways JKFITNESS can help you stay healthy and focused despite COVID19.

  • Workout – continue your workouts on your own and/or train with JKFITNESS virtually. We’ve set up 3 different virtual ways to train with us:

  1. Digital virtual workouts (we’ll send you a customized program with pictures, descriptions and videos of each exercise we want you to perform on the days you’re scheduled to have a workout from us).
  2. Live virtual workouts (we’ll guide you through a personal training session customized to your health and fitness status via live video stream).
  3. Live group fitness classes (we’ll guide you through a group training session via live video stream).
  • Stay mentally strong – spend some time each day on your mental health such as praying, meditating, taking a walk in nature, or doing yoga.
  • Meal prep – we’re all forced now to spend a lot more time at home. This could be very powerful as it relates to your nutrition so long as you plan ahead with your grocery shopping and meal prepping.  We’re hosting a virtual meal prepping workshop on April 21st.  The cost is $30.

If you need help with your current health and fitness give us a call; JKFITNESS is dedicated to keeping people healthy amidst the COVID19 pandemic.