Contributed by: Danielle Barbosa, ACSM-CPT

Practicing Positivity

Too often, when negative events or mistakes occur in life we fall victim to negative self-talk. That voice in your head that tells you, “you are wasting your time” or “you are never going to reach your goal.” These negative thoughts can become overwhelming and counterproductive to reaching our goals.

Don’t let this self-perpetuated negativity take control of your life and success. You can take back control of your thoughts by practicing positive self-talk. Positive self-talk allows you to discover obscured optimism, hope, and joy in any situation.

Here are some ways to practice positivity.
1. Reframe the situation: Imagine a loved one in your situation. Show yourself the same love, kindness, and empathy you would have towards someone else.
2. Write it down: Write down how you feel and why you feel this way. This can help you rationalize the situation.
3. Talk to someone: Tell someone what you are going through. Odds are that you are not alone. An outside perspective can help you uncover some light.