Quick and Easy Kimchi Recipe

Contributed by: Bethany Reynolds AFAA-CPT, CI-GEL

In our over-sanitized modern world, most of us aren’t exposed to very much
good bacteria, and this can be a problem. Most of our food has been
pasteurized, irradiated, or chemically treated to kill bugs – but this
also kills the good stuff.

Probiotic – or fermented – foods provide a great amount of nutrients and
phytochemicals. Sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables can be easy to
make at home. Try this: get a jar, add water, salt, veggies, and then cover – put
in a cupboard for 3-7 days. Now you have a good and healthy bacteria that your
body needs for optimal health. Here’s an easy recipe to get started!

Korean Kimchi Recipe Ingredients

• 4 cups of water
• 4 tablespoons sea salt
• 1 head cabbage, shredded
• 1 cup asparagus cut into one-inch pieces
• 2 scallions, chopped
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 2 tablespoons fresh ginger, minced
• ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 In a large bowl, mix a brine of the water and salt. Mix well to
thoroughly dissolve salt. Add the cabbage. Cover with a plate or other
weight to keep the vegetables submerged. Soak for 12 hours.
2 Drain the brine from the vegetables, reserving the brine. Taste the
vegetables for saltiness. If they are too salty, you can rinse the
vegetables. If they are not salty enough, sprinkle with a little more
salt (one quarter teaspoon at a time).
3 Combine the asparagus, scallions, garlic, ginger, and cayenne pepper.
Add to the cabbage mixture.
4 Put the whole mix into a jar. Pour the soaking liquid over the
vegetables, making sure that they are completely submerged in liquid.
5 Cover loosely with a clean cloth and set aside for three to seven days.
The ideal room temperature to help with the fermentation is around 70
degrees Fahrenheit. If it is colder, the fermentation takes longer.
6 Check the kimchi daily. Make sure the vegetables stay covered in brine.
After three to seven days, the kimchi will taste ripe. Once this happens,
place in glass jar in the refrigerator. It will keep for months.

Sources: http://recipes.mercola.com/easy-kimchi-recipe.aspx;