Nancy Batchelder

Nancy Batchelder
Rock Solid since April 2015

Nancy Batchelder is in phenomenal shape and constantly walks the talk of health and fitness. Nancy came to JKFITNESS because she wanted to stop getting injured and she wanted to be stronger and more defined.  Nancy has achieved a Body Mass Index of 20.1 (Normal Range) and a body fat percentage of 16.1% (placing her in the female athletic range). Nancy scored a 52.4 on her VO2 Max placing her in the superior category of fitness. Her 10RM bench press is 70lbs and her 10RM squat is 95lbs; a 40% and 90% respective increase in strength since she started training at JKFITNESS. Nancy always gives 110% when she comes to her workouts and is 100% accountable and consistent with her cardio workouts. Since training at JKFITNESS, Nancy hasn’t been injured. Additionally, Nancy completed five full marathons; her fasted time being 3 hours and 30 minutes…making her a Boston Marathon Qualifier.