Abbie Ballard

Abbie Ballard
Rock Solid since April 2016

Abbie Ballard has been a client at JKFITNESS for four years and is an exemplary student when it comes to her health and wellness. Abbie walks the talk of a healthy lifestyle, not only in the gym but most importantly she can be trusted to follow healthy recommendations outside of her time in the gym. Abbie consistently follows the 80/20 rule of moderation when it comes to her diet and allows herself the occasional treat without going overboard. Despite Abbie’s medical conditions (which include scoliosis, arthritis, neuropathy, and plantar fascitus) at age 73 she is constantly seeking new exercises to challenge her current fitness level and will never back down from trying anything! Abbie is extremely strong and can perform a wall squat for four minutes, a plank for two minutes and also hikes and walks on a regular basis (she consistently completes 10,000 steps a day). Abbie has completed a 5K in less than an hour and ran most of the way. Within one year Abbie changed her VO2 score from the “Very Low” category to “Good” and has lowered her total cholesterol to a normal range by adopting a healthy lifestyle.