Lisa Chavana

Rock Solid since August 2014

Lisa success storyLisa has accomplished her goals both physically and mentally despite her daily struggle with Multiple Sclerosis. Lisa has lost 20 pounds and over 11 inches. Along with training three days a week, Lisa practices yoga, meditation, and mindful nutrition to accomplish her goals.

Lisa has progressed from needing assistance to stand up to being able to stand with weights at her side; from relying on a walker to walking with a cane; and from using only body-weight exercises to training with added resistance. Lisa operates through an incredible mix of dedication, tenacity, competitiveness and positive focus.

She inspires everyone around her with her can-do attitude. There is nothing that Lisa is unable to accomplish. Lisa is a remarkably positive person who has already beaten MS without even knowing it. She is beyond deserving of the JKFITNESS Rock Solid Award.