Winter Weather Adaptation

Provided by: Laurel Dierking, M.Ed., NFPT, 200YT

The cooler weather is here, Texas-style! Although we may not be experiencing the ‘winter-feel’ as far as the temperature goes, we are however in the midst of cooler, dryer air. As the weather changes and fluctuates, so do our bodies. Adapting to the changing temperatures can take a greater toll than you may expect. There are many small, but beneficial habits that can help equip your body for the changing conditions.

1) Drink More Water
As the climate changes to drier temperatures, your skin and internal organs require more water. Although the dry air may not leave you feeling thirsty, drinking plenty of water will help keep your skin moisturized as well as fight off fatigue from dehydration. Carry a refillable bottle of water with you to remind you to drink water throughout the day. The temperature of the water is also important. During the hot temperatures in the summer, a cool glass of ice water is refreshing and cooling, however; during the winter, our bodies need more warmth. Drinking room temperature water or warm beverages is better suited for our bodies during the cooler seasons.

2) Wear Sunscreen
Just because it is not beach weather does not mean that the sun has reduced its harmful effects on your skin. Keep your face protected with sunscreen or a hat, especially during the peak hours of 11am to 2pm.

3) Enhance Your Immunity
Cooler weather means more people indoors. This leaves more individuals at risk for illnesses due to the increased direct and indirect contact of being around more people. Taking extra vitamin C and drinking tea with cleansing lemon, garlic, and ginger, can help fight disease and boost your immunity.